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Real members of MyObesityTeam have posted questions and answers that support our community guidelines, and should not be taken as medical advice. Looking for the latest medically reviewed content by doctors and experts? Visit our resource section.
398 questions

At Point That My Weight Is Preventing Me From Doing My Job Of 43 Years. Has Anyone Gone Down The SSDI Road? Did You Use An Attorney?

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

Many co morbidities and meds making weight management impossible. I’m mentally and physically wasted.

A MyObesityTeam Member

i can relate to you because im in the same situation

posted March 5

It Is Impossible To Delete The Account. How To Do? I Am Getting The "password Invalid" Message, But It Does Not Request My Password To Do It

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyObesityTeam Member

Go to setting then click on account settings

posted January 10

I Need Some Accountability And Motivation. Does Anyone Have Some Good Ideas?

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

I'm active but just being lazy here recently. I have some arthritis but I can still do moderate exercise. I'm going back to my water aerobics class next week. I hope the water is warm.

A MyObesityTeam Member

Love the water!

posted April 21

Would You Like To Participate In The January Accountability Challenge? We Are Just Staying Committed To Our Lifestyle Change With A Twist.

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

Everyone would stick to their Lifestyle Change routine but at anytime, anyone that is doing the challenge with us can pop a question to keep us on our toes.

Examples could be:

Did you walk today? If so how much?

How many ounces of water have you drunk?

How many steps have you taken so far?

What is your pain scale today?

How are you emotionally feeling today?

(The last 2 questions relate a lot to our eating)

If we’re on point, then we’ll get messaged good job! Keep up the good work!

If… read more

A MyObesityTeam Member

Awesome!!! Let’s do this!! It’s on! Just write down your weight. Keep track of whatever you eat or drink. Your steps! If you walked and how long! If you exercised or not! If so what and your reps! How… read more

posted January 8

Who’s CRUNK And READY To Get It Done???

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

Journal ✅
Outfits/Shoes ✅
iPod/Headphones ✅
Water Cup ✅
Scale/Batteries ✅
Healthy Food ✅
Determination ✅

Who’s ready?????

A MyObesityTeam Member

I have gone corn free and gotten a lot stricter on myself finding hidden items that makes me sugar go up.

posted January 31

What Are Good Things To Eat If You’re A Diabetic! Lean Meats Vegetables Fruits Etc. Drinks Besides Water

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyObesityTeam Member

I’ve never eaten an egg muffin! I season with green bell peppers but I really don’t eat it. I don’t eat mushrooms either. I do love egg whites. I’ll make myself eat a boiled egg but a deviled egg with… read more

posted December 21, 2023

Either My Body Is Violating The Laws Of Physics Or There's Something Really Weird Going On With My Metabolism... It's Impossible

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

I'm supposed to be eating 2500 just to maintain my current weight... I couldn't eat that if my life depended on it... I have never eaten that much...

A MyObesityTeam Member

Eat what you feel comfortable eating. Your body knows best.

posted December 2, 2023

Have You Ever Been A 🏆 Trophy Girlfriend Or Wife Then Demoted To An Embarrassment Because You Gained Weight?

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

Meaning that you and your companion started out doing a lot of things together! They would take you out to eat and different places but when you began to gain weight; it started to slow down until it stopped because they were too embarrassed to be seen with you!

A MyObesityTeam Member

Thanks so much!!!! 😊

posted December 2, 2023

Are There Any Regular Members On Here To Correspond With???

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

Hi! I have a question? Are there any members on here who really write and respond on here! I know sometimes we may drop off for some reason but it would be nice to state that! When looking for friends, some haven’t been on here all the way back to 2017. This should be set out to automatically block those who don’t respond within so many days. When they chose to come back, administrators would have to approve! It would be nice if the hobbies separated the members or something that would stand out… read more

A MyObesityTeam Member

Gmorning Robert!

I honestly thought I responded to you yesterday!!

I truly understand when it comes to insurance! It’s something else but I’m glad that it finally got scheduled! I have you on my… read more

posted November 28, 2023

Hi Everyone! Anyone In Southern California That Has Anthem Blue Cross Have Revision Gastric Bypass?

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

I was in a different mind-set then & want to redo it. Kaiser Permanente won’t do it! Any Advice would be greatly appreciated.

A MyObesityTeam Member

My GIT doc advised me to undergo a revision gastric sleeve, but he is of the opinion I should have a bypass this time around. I developed a very large hiatus hernia so it needs to be operated upon… read more

posted February 20
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