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Bad Day Eat Too Many Sweets No Control..

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyObesityTeam Member

Dont be too hard on yourself's been bad YEARS for me due to so much emotional stress that I endured...but we can always start again tomorrow, or the day after. Where there is life there is… read more

How Do I Stop Emotional Eating?

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

I eat when I am bored, I eat when I am tired, I eat when I am frustrated. I am constantly eating for reasons other than hunger. How do I stop? It's like it just slips under my radar and next thing I know, I have polished off a whole pie, or cookies or bag of potato chips.

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A MyObesityTeam Member

Write your feelings down. Go for a walk.

Has Anyone Else Gained Bsck Some Weight After Gastric Bypass Surgery I Had It Three Years Ago Gained Back 30 Pounds

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

what can i do to keep weight off ive just started all fruits exercising everyday walking what else

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A MyObesityTeam Member

Thank you so much for the info! I’m somewhat familiar with Dr. Berry as he’s from Tennessee and that’s where I live. I will definitely watch the vids and see if it’s something I can do.

Any Advice On Just Getting Started

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

I am having a hard time just finding the energy and motivation to even start anything. I know what I need to do, i make the plan to do it but then just can't bring myself to get moving. It's like I talk myself out of it before I even get started.

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A MyObesityTeam Member

Put your music on every morning.

Weight Loss Medication

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have a significant amount of weight to lose (300 + lbs) and am wondering if anyone has had success with weight loss medications and if so which ones?

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A MyObesityTeam Member

I am on Ozempic. I lost the majority of my weight before I was on it but I hear about how other people have lost a lot. It makes me less hungry. It is worth a shot. Years ago, I tried Contrave but I… read more

Does Anyone Else Here Have Arthritis In Their Back And Knees? If So, What Treatments Have Worked For You?

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have arthritis in my back that has been treated with injections. I've even had the nerve endings in the L3-L5 region in my back burned and had a cortisol shot in my s1 region. The swelling is gone, but not the pain. My knees have been left untreated. The pain gets unbearable at times, but my doctor only says lose weight. I've told her several times that I'm usually an active person, but pain makes me not want to be active. I need relief. Any suggestions. I've already considered… read more

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A MyObesityTeam Member

I've been having the same problems with my knees And the doctors keep telling me the same thing Knee replacement But they can't do the surgery because I'm overweight So I'm just trying to lose weight… read more

Overcoming The Rut

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

So as we all go down this road known as obesity together, to those of you who go to the gym like I do. My question is this. When you get in a rut (we all get there) what do you do to motivate yourself to get out of the rut?

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A MyObesityTeam Member

At least u exercise, only thing I do is walk Round the block or downtown then my sciatica starts acting up.

What Tips Do You Have For Some On How To Stop Eating When They Are Upset, Worried, Stressed Or Going Through A Bad Time

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

When some people are stressed, upset and worried they stop eating I eat and eat.

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A MyObesityTeam Member

for me i go to my crafts especially the ones i have downstairs in our rec-room as it is farther away from the kitchen

Losing Weight When You're Broke.

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

Does anyone have any tips on losing weight when you're broke. I am working on my portion control and the weightloss is very slow. Any handy tips out there?

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A MyObesityTeam Member

Thank goodness for the Church Food Pantry. Unfortunately very high sugar and carbs. Occasionally fresh veggies or fruit.

How Difficult Is The Diet, For Gastric Sleeve Surgery, To Stick To?

A MyObesityTeam Member asked a question 💭

Ive researched the surgery quite extensively and the diet is extremely minimal. Which i understand. However i love food. The textures. The smell. And of course the taste. Im scared that i would not be able to stick with such a minimal diet for a year. Pluss once the weight is lost how does one not regain the weight once a regular diet is reintroduced? I dont know anyone personaly whoes had this done. Im afraid its the only option i have left.

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A MyObesityTeam Member

I had the gastric sleeve and I loved that the weight loss was not rapid . I failed and my overall total weight loss achievement because I lacked discipline. I followed everything to the letter (I… read more