Thousands of members of MyObesityTeam connect with one another and read each other's stories to gain perspective and validation about living with obesity. Another way to discover how to live better with obesity is through books written by people who have experience with it. We combed through member book recommendations and collected a list of the most popular.
1. The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss by Dr. Jason Fung
Dr. Fung wants everyone to recognize that obesity is dictated by hormones. Through five basic steps, including intermittent fasting, you can use your body's own insulin to crack the obesity code.
2. Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It by Gary Taubes
In his number one bestseller, Taubes asks: What is making us fat? How can we outsmart it? This guide to weight management is evidence-based and easy to follow.
3. Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease by Robert H. Lustig
In 2013, Lustig began a battle against the sugar industry. Simple carbs, he argued, are at the root of the obesity epidemic and all chronic conditions that stem from it. How can we save ourselves?
4. Weighing In: Obesity, Food Justice, and the Limits of Capitalism by Julie Guthman
If you are someone living with obesity, you are also living with constant assumptions made about you and your condition. Guthman challenges the myths to weight loss, "fatness", and attitudes surrounding them in her must-read opinion piece.
Check out some book recommendations and favorites from members of MyObesityTeam:
"Won a healthy eating cookbook at my diabetes cooking class."
"I have a question how many of you like ( love to read ) and have books or other reading material around your house that you want to either lend, trade, or give away so others can enjoy them?"
"I have been reading up on intermittent fasting and know a few people who have been doing it and had success with it."
What book about obesity do wish you knew about when you were first diagnosed?
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A MyObesityTeam Member
I heard mixed reviews about him. Which book would you recommended TammyFranks1? Be well everyone
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