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Who’s the One Person You Should Always Keep Your Promise To?

Updated on July 16, 2019

Keeping promises to yourself is a way to focus on self-nurture. This could mean making a commitment to “you” time on a regular basis to tend to yourself. Keep a regular date with yourself to focus on whatever helps you feel calm and centered in your life — and keep that date like you would a date with a friend. Put it on your schedule and stick to it.

Keeping promises to yourself doesn’t need to involve a lot of time. It could be committing to reading a few pages of a new book you’re excited about over lunch twice a week, or doing some yoga poses before bed most nights. Get up 10 minutes early to meditate or pray. Keeping your promise of self-nurture should leave you with a feeling of peace and a renewed spirit.

“You” time can also be done while multi-tasking. For instance, walk the dog to your favorite park and take time to smell the flowers along the way. Do some breathing exercises during your commute. Turn household chores into a dance party with your favorite music. Whatever promise you make to yourself, keeping it should refill your tank and leave you ready to meet the next challenge.

Here are some ways members of MyObesityTeam keep promises they make to themselves:

"I had a minor setback but I'm going to just do better. I got a lot of food ideas that I'm going to try. I feel like a new me has been born."

"When I got back home all of my energy was gone so I just relaxed on the sofa with a few cat naps in between."

"I went to church. I haven't been in a few months because of my job. I came home and I'm just enjoying the Sunday off, never know when I'll get another Sunday off."

How do you keep promises to yourself?
Share in the comments below or directly on 

Updated on July 16, 2019

A MyObesityTeam Member

I’m focusing on making needed medical appointments that I’ve let slip because I’ve felt so awful and couldn’t get out. It’s still a struggle but I’m doing it little by little, and I’m watching my… read more

posted December 6, 2023
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