Surgery Or No Surgery That Is The Question?
I've been on a diet all my life since 9 years old. I'm 42 now.. I have done , Xenidrine ...weight watchers ... Richard Simmons sweatin to the oldiesDEAL A MEAL. The cambridge diet, Atkins ...Doctor Phil's How's that working for you?HCG( 5 rounds from 2 different drs). At different times ,CONTRAVE.. phentermine... Intermittent fasting (phenphen in the 90s). I'm tired of taking pills and shots they are very expensive. Just wondering if and when it's time to do gastric sleeve?.. DO I GO STRAIT TO A… read more
Yes you have to first check if your insurance will even cover it with a referral. Then you have to get with your doctor and have 6 months of medical documentations of you meeting for weight issues. The you have to meet with a Nutritional person to have a food document diary. Then get a referral to a gastrointestinal doctor. It'll take months before they will set up the surgery. I looked into it but my insurance (when I had insurance) wouldn't cover it at all even with a referral.
Find a Bariatric surgeon, go to his meeting, it's usually a requirement, then they will check your insurance and if u are OK to go, they call you for an initial appointment. That's the way to start.
You have to start out with your doctor for a referal and that starts the ball rolling!
First find a doctor who deals with weight loss issues talk to him/her about option for surgery I'm having the same problems.
I am really, really lucky in this regard. My insurance will cover weight loss surgery. Definitely call yours and see what they cover and under what conditions. My BMI is just under 40. However, I have high blood pressure, GERD and a mixed hiatal hernia. Those comorbidities qualify me for surgery.
How Many More Visits With A Surgeon After The First One?
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Has Anyone Else Gained Bsck Some Weight After Gastric Bypass Surgery I Had It Three Years Ago Gained Back 30 Pounds